Root Canal Treatment - Saving your tooth
Root Canal Treatment - Saving your tooth
James A. DeVengencie, DDS, MS, FACP
Endodontist - Prosthodontist
Practice Limited to Endodontics
We are...Rooting for You!
We realize that dental insurance is complex and can be difficult to understand. That is why we provide full assistance to you. Our office will complete and submit dental insurance claims on your behalf. We will work diligently to make this happen as quickly as possible. Some dental insurance companies take longer than others to process claims. If necessary, our office will contact your company and may request your help with the process. It is important to understand that if the dental insurance company denies your claim, you are responsible for all fees.
If you have a question about your dental insurance, please contact our office, our staff will work with you to answer all of your questions. It is our pleasure to be of service to you.
Still have questions?
If you have questions about your insurance our office staff will be glad to answer questions for you.
Dr. DeVengencie and his staff want you to understand how dental insurance works and how to make it work best for you. You should also understand how the treatment plan Dr. DeVengencie will provided works with your dental plan.
If you still have additional questions regarding your insurance plan and coverage, you should see your plan administrator at your place of employment, or call a customer service representative at your health care provider directly. The phone numbers should be on the back of your insurance card.